My Secret Sauce For Building a Strong Team
How you can build a strong team by getting to know your team members on a deeper level and asking the right questions to build a relationship of trust where everyone can be successful.
How you can build a strong team by getting to know your team members on a deeper level and asking the right questions to build a relationship of trust where everyone can be successful.
You are special. Your business is special. You’re looking for a team member who is special too. An exceptional assistant who will treat your business as their own. Someone you can blindly trust and fully rely upon who has the same level of attention to detail that you do. Someone who compliments you in an amazing “made for each other” kind of way.
In this article we identify the systems you need to support you as you achieve success on your own terms.
In the middle of the busy days, client calls, and never ending task list, there’s something you need to consider. Something that’s just a bit too big to ignore. Just exactly what role do you want to play in your business…and how can you design a business that supports the work you really want to do?
As you map out your goals for the year, I hope you use the planning prompts I shared with you last time.
But I also want to warn you of 3 mistakes that can hinder your growth.
We’ll go over the tactics to prevent these mistakes from happening in the mini-class I’ve mentioned to you in my last email. But if for some reason you chose not to join us, at least you’ll know what to look out for.
How can you make next year one where you exceed your goals? Let’s zero in on how you can make this happen with some planning steps for success!
As entrepreneurs, we easily whip out our credit cards to pay for online courses to “fix” ourselves or our businesses, or we splurge on the latest software to stay current but. . . .
Suddenly, when it comes to actually hiring someone to help us, we get skeptical.
The fact of the matter is that your company’s biggest leaps are probably only going to happen when you free yourself—physically and emotionally—for the BIG things.
You’re doing everything in your power to boost traffic to your site. You are improving your reader’s level of engagement, and establishing yourself as an expert.
Because you’re reaching for that ultimate goal—an ongoing stream of customers who can’t wait to get their hands on your products or get the coveted one-on-one support from you.
In our quest to become the go-to expert in our fields, we often wind up feeling overwhelmed by the information we encounter as we keep our fingers pressed firmly on the pulse of our industries.
It seems as though as soon as we get our inboxes down to zero they fill up once again with newsletters and updates from other experts.
I’m constantly called upon to help my clients tame their information overload so they don’t burn out.
With so many things demanding our attention at any given minute focus has become one of the hardest states of mind to achieve.
And yet, it is not at all impossible. The below 7 steps will guide you through the process of achieving laser sharp focus whenever you call for it.
Let’s take a look at them…
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