by Natasha | Jul 14, 2015 | Delegation Fundamentals, Secrets from the Systems Chick, Women Only
You just found out that you are pregnant. You are elated. Afterall, this is something you’ve always wanted. But once the excitement of bringing a little one into the world settles down, a slew of concerns begin to pop up.
How will I manage the business when I have a newborn?
When will I come back?
How will my business change?
These are just a few questions that may be running through your mind.
The good news is that as long as the baby hasn’t already arrived, you still have time to prep so you can feel less stressed about the business and allocate your energy toward the new addition to your family.
For this to work, it is essential that you have a team in place because as much as you may have been holding down the fort solo, it takes more than one person to build a business and raise a child.
by Natasha | May 19, 2015 | Delegation Fundamentals, Organizational Tips, Secrets from the Systems Chick
With summer upon us, it’s more challenging than ever to manage our ever-growing to-do list.
Fears are creeping up on us, waking us up in the middle of the night:
I’m the only one who can keep things running smoothly…
Everything’s going to collapse if I’m not completely in control…
Can I really go on vacation without ruining my business…
Maybe I should just keep working….
Is your head spinning?
Let me lighten your burden with one free tool and 5 tips.
by Natasha | Apr 28, 2015 | Essential Business Systems, Experts Share, Secrets from the Systems Chick
I always knew that having an editorial calendar was important, but for a long time I struggled to create a structure that really worked. I tried lists, color-coded spreadsheets, and a dedicated Google Calendar, but those systems would either be too cumbersome to maintain or too easy to forget.
Finding a true solution required getting super clear about what I wanted my editorial calendar to be. My calendar needed to be a . . .
Single place to note and generate ideas for new blog posts
Source for both past and future topics that give me a bird’s-eye view of my content marketing strategy
Communication hub and collaboration area that allows me to delegate certain aspects of the blog post publishing process
As soon as I got clear on the function of the editorial calendar, the format solution was born.
by Natasha | Apr 12, 2015 | Essential Business Systems, Secrets from the Systems Chick, Set Up Your Business
When I first started working from home for a law firm, most of my friends were very jealous.
Who wouldn’t be?
After all, I would be making excellent money while being in almost total control of my schedule. Plus, I’d get to stay home with my baby son.
Unfortunately, euphoria quickly turned into panic as it became apparent that managing my time and work responsibilities at home was far more difficult than I’d imagined.
The structure of an office environment and the corporate world began to feel like two things I desperately needed.
Eventually, however, I built a routine and systems that worked like a charm, and I want you to be able to enjoy them as well!
by Natasha | Mar 31, 2015 | Essential Business Systems, Ground Yourself, Optimize Your Business, Organizational Tips, Productivity, Secrets from the Systems Chick, Set Up Your Business
Ever wonder what systems you absolutely must take care of right now and which ones can wait? Not all systems are as essential as others. And, what’s crucial to one business owner might not be vital to another. The nature of your business is a determining...
by Natasha | Feb 17, 2015 | Essential Business Systems, Secrets from the Systems Chick, Set Up Your Business
Wouldn’t it be great if most of your new clients were referrals?
Can you imagine the time you’d save if you didn’t have to engage in exhausting marketing campaigns?
When it comes to filling up your client docket, referrals are king.