by Natasha | Jun 24, 2014 | Essential Business Systems, Optimize Your Business, Organizational Tips, Productivity
Dealing with all the messages in your inbox can feel like battling the Goliath – impossible to win.
Just when you think it’s under control, you’re besieged with a barrage of new e-mails. And so Inbox Zero – an Inbox with no messages – remains an illusion.
That’s why I let go of the Inbox Zero idea. Besides, having to get rid of new e-mails creates unnecessary anxiety for me and distracts me from the actions I need to take in relation to these messages.
Instead, I make sure that my inbox is processed, where I’ve taken the appropriate action on every single message.
by Natasha | Jun 17, 2014 | Organizational Tips, Productivity
Does your “to-do” list leave you feeling defeated?
Do you work hard all day only to discover you haven’t even made a dent in your list?
This used to happen to me all the time. . .until I put into place a very simple system.
I want you to enjoy the benefits of having super productive days that leave you feeling victorious, so I’m sharing this simple system with you.
by Natasha | May 13, 2014 | Case Studies, Organizational Tips, Productivity
“OK, I get the importance of systems! But how do I actually streamline a process? Where do I even start?”
I hear this a lot.
Let me clear things up and break them down for you.
Whenever I’m optimizing my own systems or those of my clients, I use this exact formula.
by Natasha | Apr 22, 2014 | Optimize Your Business, Organizational Tips, Productivity
Yes, you will need your e-mail and whatever software you use to manage your list of subscribers, but just about everything else can be handled by Evernote.
Even the free version of Evernote can easily help you manage your tasks, inbox, client work, relationships, and projects
by Natasha | Apr 15, 2014 | Grow Your Business, Productivity
Artists are often considered free-spirited souls who follow their muse to create their art.
They cannot—and will not—allow themselves to be boxed into any structure.
Artists and other creative individuals who produce remarkable things on a consistent basis are, in fact, very systematic.
Their systematic approach is like a badge of honor to them.
by Natasha | Mar 25, 2014 | Essential Business Systems, Ground Yourself, Productivity
Every weekend, you tell yourself you’re going to figure out how to be more productive and finally get your business under control.
You set goals. You prioritize. Get inbox to zero, sort through receipts, and systematize online marketing efforts. Maybe you even use things like Evernote, Teuxdeux or Workflow to make yourself feel extra on top of things!