by Natasha | Mar 1, 2016 | Optimize Your Business, Organizational Tips, Productivity
Do you find yourself playing hide-and-seek with your digital documents more than you actually use them?
If that’s the case, you need a better way to organize your files!
Increase your productivity and tidy up your digital space by asking yourself these four five questions.
by Natasha | Feb 23, 2016 | Essential Business Systems, Organizational Tips, Productivity
You’ve started your podcast, and you’re loving it, but it’s also taking up a lot of your time — time that you could be spending on other revenue-generating activities.
So how can you be more efficient when it comes to your podcast while still making sure it’s a valuable resource?
Start using a system!
by Natasha | Feb 2, 2016 | Essential Business Systems, Productivity
So much to do, so little time. Who hasn’t experienced that?
Sure, you could continue to follow the classic time management approach of trying to squeeze your to-do list into your schedule, or you could switch gears and do what your schedule allows.
When you make the mindset shift from time management to task management, you’ll find that you could potentially fit twenty hours of work into an eight-hour work day.
How can you know if you’ve been focusing on time management instead of task management?
Here are five actions to avoid if you want to feel more productive and in control of your day.
by Natasha | Jan 19, 2016 | Optimize Your Business, Organizational Tips, Productivity
Twyla Tharp, renowned choreographer of over 160 works and winner of two Emmy awards, does not wake up every day hoping that inspiration knocks on her door.
How does she consistently create art that resonates?
She wakes up at 5 AM, goes to the gym, and then to her studio as if on autopilot.
Twyla, like many people who have become experts in their chosen fields, follows a routine and has reframed creativity from being an ethereal entity into a habit.
by Natasha | Jan 10, 2016 | Grow Your Business, Optimize Your Business, Productivity
Did you know that in 2013 there were an estimated 152 million blogs? Or that Wordpress estimates that around 2.7 million blog posts are written every day?
While all of those blogs and blog posts may not be used as marketing for small businesses, that’s still a lot of people attempting to get their ideas out into the world and be heard.
No matter what industry you’re in, you know that it only takes a quick Google search to see that you’re not the only one teaching what you teach.
However, you also know that you don’t run your business to serve every single person, and that in this new online era personality is just as important as the solutions you provide.
So what can you do to be a “purple cow” in your industry, as Seth Godin recommends?
Here are ten areas that you can emphasize to show your potential clients and readers how you’re different while still staying authentic to who you are.
by Natasha | Jan 5, 2016 | Grow Your Business, Optimize Your Business, Productivity
If you want to have a business that you love running, creating systems is a must. Systems help you do less busy work and more of the work that matters to you.
However, no two businesses are alike when it comes to which systems to create. This is great news because it means you don’t have to force your business into systems that don’t work for your personality or your business’s demands.
What’s more, when done right, they can help your business stand out from the rest of your industry.
(Want to know what else makes your business unique? Get the free mini-guide “10 Ways to Make Your Business Stand Out from the Crowd” when you register for Your Business Blueprint training).
So how do you decide which systems are best for your business?