by Natasha | Aug 18, 2015 | Just For Fun, Optimize Your Business, Organizational Tips
The story of Evernote for Small Business guide
Did I ever tell you how I came up with Evernote for Small Business guide idea? Actually, I was challenged to do that.
Once, in a conversation with Tara Gentile I made a comment in passing that Evernote is so powerful, you could run an entire business on it.
I just wanted to make a point that I don’t see the tools as a collection of features, but rather the ways you can put those features to use. But Tara, an Evernote fanatic, didn’t let me off the hook. Run a business on Evernote? She demanded that I create a resource to show how one could
by Natasha | Jul 21, 2015 | Essential Business Systems, Organizational Tips
Any relationship requires an exchange of time and information.
In order to cultivate a deeper friendship, you tell each other stories about your past and swap dreams for the future.
When you have a blog, cultivating a relationship with your audience happens in a similar way.
The content that you put out is a form of relationship building.
Each article, podcast episode, or video helps you connect with your audience. It adds value to their lives which builds trust.
by Natasha | Jul 7, 2015 | Essential Business Systems, Organizational Tips, Set Up Your Business
Since I am constantly recommending tools like Asana (Got Asana? Make the Best Use of It), Trello (Unconventional Business Uses for Trello), and Evernote (Could You Run A Business Using Only Evernote?) to run a small business, I get asked pretty regularly which one would be right for you and your business – Asana, Trello, or Evernote.
Unfortunately, the answer isn’t straightforward.
First thing’s first, if you’ve never tried either Asana, Trello, or Evernote, play with each one in order to see which layout feels more intuitive to you and your business.
Also, don’t forget to check out my easy tool comparison chart….
by Natasha | Jun 16, 2015 | Delegation Fundamentals, Organizational Tips
You’ve decided to start building your team and delegating some of the tasks you have on your plate, but you’re not exactly sure where to begin.
When you’re looking to hire help, the more specific you are, the better fit you’ll find for exactly what you need.
These steps will help make your hiring process easy and delegate effectively!
by Natasha | Jun 2, 2015 | Essential Business Systems, Organizational Tips, Social Media
When was the last time you really listened to your customers?
I’m not just talking about passive scrolling around on Twitter, but REALLY listening.
If you’re like many business owners who get overwhelmed by their daily to-do lists, it’s probably been a while.
That being said, you know listening to your customers is key. You care about what they’re saying.
But where should you start? How can you listen consistently instead of just binge-listening once a month?
Your first question to answer is: “Who are the people I should be listening to?”
by Natasha | May 19, 2015 | Delegation Fundamentals, Organizational Tips, Secrets from the Systems Chick
With summer upon us, it’s more challenging than ever to manage our ever-growing to-do list.
Fears are creeping up on us, waking us up in the middle of the night:
I’m the only one who can keep things running smoothly…
Everything’s going to collapse if I’m not completely in control…
Can I really go on vacation without ruining my business…
Maybe I should just keep working….
Is your head spinning?
Let me lighten your burden with one free tool and 5 tips.