by Natasha | Oct 28, 2014 | Essential Business Systems, Grow Your Business, Productivity, Set Up Your Business
Are you still in the early stages of building your business? Still wearing not only multiple hats but shoes and shirts, too?
All this task switching means you’re constantly learning new skills—like how to build or make tweaks to your website—and you’ve got to learn them as quickly as possible while still maintaining professional quality.
You need help—affordable support!
by Natasha | Sep 16, 2014 | Essential Business Systems, Optimize Your Business, Secrets from the Systems Chick, Set Up Your Business
Last time we talked about where you would start when creating systems.
Now, let’s take a look at a few specific processes and ways you could better organize them.
Let’s take testimonials, for example.
I don’t need to tell you that they are vital to your business.
by Natasha | Sep 9, 2014 | Essential Business Systems, Optimize Your Business, Organizational Tips
“Okay, I’m finally ready to admit that I need systems, but where do I start? I feel so overwhelmed.”
I hear this again and again from small business owners who reach out to me.
There’s no need to suffer.
Here are 5 simple steps for getting started. This is the same system I use with my clients.
by Natasha | Aug 26, 2014 | Essential Business Systems, Optimize Your Business, Organizational Tips, Productivity
It’s so liberating to run a business in the technological age. The world’s knowledge base is at our fingertips, our clients are not limited by geographical location, and there is a gadget for just about anything.
But. . .
by Natasha | Aug 5, 2014 | Essential Business Systems, Optimize Your Business, Organizational Tips, Productivity
Getting organized is always something we want to do—is always something we say we need to do.
But it always gets pushed to the bottom of our list because it seems as though there are more urgent things to do.
Urgent things do come up, but let’s face it. . . .
There’s also a lot of excuse making going on.
by Natasha | Jul 15, 2014 | Essential Business Systems, Optimize Your Business, Organizational Tips, Productivity
We’ve already established that Evernote is not only an amazing online tool for storing digital documents, but also an indispensable cloud-based container for creating and organizing ideas, notes, checklists, procedures, and tracking logs for how you run your business.
Now I want to show you how you can manage your content using Evernote.
Let’s say you’re a small business owner who regularly shares valuable content through your blog posts.