Are you exhausted by operations (in spite of your team)?
If you’re exhausted by operations – and find yourself just as busy (or maybe even busier) than you were before adding a team – you likely have one of three problems. And these problems are affecting more than just your energy level. They are creating problems for your team members as well.

Hiring Profitably – A Case Study with Tara Gentile
A case study of Tara Gentile on how hiring profitably prepares your team members to be successful and benefits the group as a whole. Together, we’re sharing her experience with hiring profitably as she added a new community manager to her team.

How hiring profitably takes the fear out of delegation
There are plenty of reasons to fear delegation. It’s one thing to hand a well-documented process over to a talented individual while making sure you still have control of the outcome. Without a good understanding of your mission and a strong working relationship based on common goals and shared values, the outcome of this kind of a transition is questionable.

Why hiring profitably includes considering more than talent and skill
Hiring profitably is more than just creating a job description and interviewing candidates. You also have to take into account everything from personality traits and core values to communication style and pace.

Frustrated with your team? Consider this
The cure for your team frustration is hiring profitably. You don’t have to go through a nearly endless cycle of hiring and firing until you find the right people to get the results you need.

Interview with Matthew Pollard
In this conversation I speak with Matthew Pollard, the Rapid Growth Guy. Matthew began an independent telecommunications company that went national in three years, turning over four million dollars per annum. In addition to his success in telecommunications,...
How to Build a Tight Virtual Team
In this conversation I speak with Michael Alexis, Director of Marketing at Museum Hack. Museum Hack began as a one person company that offered personalised unconventional tours of the Metropolitan Museum of Art in New York City. Today, they host hundreds of tours...
Why You Don’t Get the Most From Your People (and what to do about it)
Many business owners end up going through the hiring and firing process multiple times in order to build a strong team. The failure is not about your skills or shortcomings. It’s a failure of the approach you use to hire, manage, and lead your team.