by Natasha | Mar 25, 2014 | Essential Business Systems, Ground Yourself, Productivity
Every weekend, you tell yourself you’re going to figure out how to be more productive and finally get your business under control.
You set goals. You prioritize. Get inbox to zero, sort through receipts, and systematize online marketing efforts. Maybe you even use things like Evernote, Teuxdeux or Workflow to make yourself feel extra on top of things!
by Natasha | Mar 18, 2014 | Essential Business Systems, Optimize Your Business, Productivity, Set Up Your Business
Want to know what everyone is always asking me? I get hundreds of requests for my recommendations for software tools and gadgets that will increase efficiency. Technology offers so many great ways to optimize the process of running your business and even putting some...
by Natasha | Mar 11, 2014 | Optimize Your Business, Organizational Tips
You’re stressed out by the lack of efficiency in your business.
Nothing is running smoothly. Everything seems disorganized. You’re constantly in reactive mode. You’re stressed out and exhausted.
Let’s turn things around. Right now!
Pinpointing the exact problem is absolutely necessary.
by Natasha | Mar 4, 2014 | Essential Business Systems, Grow Your Business
Guest blogging is an integral part of our marketing and audience-building strategies because it. . .
Generates publicity and increases our visibility
Builds trust and enhances our credibility
Establishes our status as an expert
Generates traffic to our website
Improves our website ranking
But once our business grows and we get even busier, keeping up with our guest blogging becomes challenging.
It’s a lot easier to maintain this essential marketing practice when you have a system in place, so I want to share something sp
by Natasha | Feb 25, 2014 | Systems That Sell
the underlying reasons small business owners resist delegation
delegation lessons
how do you communicate with your team members so that nothing falls through the cracks
structures we need to create in our businesses to smoothly transition from a single person operation to a team
how do we prepare for that change emotionally
by Natasha | Feb 18, 2014 | Essential Business Systems, Optimize Your Business, Productivity
Do you ever feel panicked about not having enough time to do everything? You’re not alone. According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, Americans spend more than 13 hours a day working, running their households, and caregiving in one form or another. If you factor in...
by Natasha | Feb 11, 2014 | Essential Business Systems, Grow Your Business, Optimize Your Business
Hitting the six-figure mark is a goal for many small business owners. But the path to this major milestone is a windy one. . .at least for most entrepreneurs. No, I’m not saying you should take a shortcut. You shouldn’t try to get to six figures overnight...
by Natasha | Feb 4, 2014 | Essential Business Systems, Optimize Your Business
Do you remember your first fantasies of entrepreneurship? If you’re anything like me, you probably imagined yourself working productively in the comfort of your own home, having time to regularly exercise and finishing early to enjoy your family and yourself. ...
by Natasha | Jan 14, 2014 | Essential Business Systems, Optimize Your Business, Productivity, Set Up Your Business
Ever feel like you’re running up a never-ending hill? Like there’s just one thing after another with no end in sight? You’re not alone! Here’s why. When we’re just starting out and laying the foundation of our businesses by assisting our first clients, we’re...
by Natasha | Jan 7, 2014 | Grow Your Business, Launch your business, Optimize Your Business
Ecstatic highs and frustrating lows are an integral part of our lives as entrepreneurs. Unfortunately, these awesome rises and scary crashes can cause us to lose perspective. So today I’m sharing with you a really powerful framework for understanding what it means to...