Interview with Derek Sivers


  • the underlying reasons small business owners resist delegation
  • delegation lessons
  • how do you communicate with your team members so that nothing falls through the cracks
  • structures we need to create in our businesses to smoothly transition from a single person operation to a team
  • how do we prepare for that change emotionally


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Delegate everything, but build something in so you can verify what’s being done. Tweet This!


Derek Sivers in ten seconds:  I’m a musician, programmer, writer, entrepreneur, and student — though not in that order. I’m fascinated with the usable psychology of self-improvement, communication, business, philosophy, and cross-cultural relativism. I love seeing a different point of view. Total introvert (INTJ). I thrive in solitude. Minimalist. I prefer giving to getting. California native. I now live in New Zealand. Deeply happy and anti-drama, my favorite fable is 塞翁失马.