Last time we talked about where you would start when creating systems.

Now, let’s take a look at a few specific processes and ways you could better organize them.

Let’s take testimonials, for example.

I don’t need to tell you that they are vital to your business.  Testimonials will:

  1. Establish your credibility as an expert as they give potential new clients real life examples of how you provide an amazing experience for your customers and deliver the results that you promised.
  1. Alleviate doubts, concerns, and objections and build the trust vital for closing sales.  No matter how great you are at writing persuasive sales copy, it is testimonials that usually tip the scales in your favor.

Show (not tell!) your potential client how you’ve helped your past clients deal with challenges and you’ve gotten your prospect one step closer to saying “yes” to you.

  1. Whet customers’ appetites and foster an emotional connection to your business before they’ve even purchased anything.  These feelings are powerful driving forces that compel people to make purchases.
  1. Put the benefits of our service or product within a broader real-life context that gives people a sense of what it would be like to have you solve their own pressing problems.
Testimonials alleviate doubts, establish credibility, & build trust. Now put them on autopilot. Tweet it!
  1. Serve as the ultimate tease.  Testimonials are like window displays that give your potential clients a feeling of how awesome they’re going to feel when they step into those designer stilettos or wiggle into those fashionable jeans.  Those displays don’t just sell the product—they sell your prospects on the feeling and the lifestyle.
  1. Bring a smile to your face.  Who doesn’t have those bad days when we doubt ourselves or question our chosen path?  Testimonials are powerful proof that you’re making a difference in people’s lives and creating a positive legacy.

system-written-testimonial-smTake a look at this sample Testimonial System you’d use for your 1:1 clients (click on the image on the left to enlarge it).

Naturally, getting a great testimonial doesn’t always mean that you have to go through that lengthy process.  I’m sure that you’ve been receiving flattering feedback about your work via e-mail or social media.

Your mini-systems for collecting those types of testimonials could look like this:

  • When you receive a testimonial via e-mail (even it’s just one amazing sentence), thank the sender and ask them is they would mind you used it as a testimonial.
  • When you come across a share on social media, take a screenshot.
  • If you manage a forum, regularly ask for feedback.  Positive comments can be used as testimonials.
  • If you sell digital products, create an autoresponder series asking the clients to share their a-ha moments or before-and-after scenarios.

Important!  Make sure to save your testimonials in one place—in Evernote or another dedicated folder.  Also, don’t forget to ask people for permissions to use their name, website and headshot (if applicable).  Sounds simple enough, but don’t take it lightly–it will make or break your system.

Back to You

Take a look at the above sample process and the following tips and let me know what part of your testimonial system are you going to work on this week.  Have a tip for collecting testimonials?  Something that works for you?  Share it below!