Please meet Ginger Moran from  She is a writer and a life, and creativity coach. Ginger has a Ph.D. in creative writing and certification from Martha Beck Life Coaching and KMCC Creativity Coaching. She teaches classes in writing and in creative life planning and writes novels and essays.

What were you struggling with before taking Systematic Success?

I had quit my academic job and launched my coaching business full time before I realized that, for all my academic and creative know-how, I did not know how to create and maintain the absolutely fundamental systems of an online business.

I was a good marketer as well–but product and even marketing savvy are not a whole lot of good if your client, technology, outreach, and financial systems are haphazard (on a good day!). Financially, I was not in a position to hire someone to help me with these systems on a regular basis–and I feel that it is important for the business owner to know the systems anyway!

I was struggling to find some method of helping my creative self to get organized and make my business work when I heard about the Systematic Success program. I had looked at several different classes on this topic but I could see from Systematic Success that it had just the material and the method that would work for me. The modules are both comprehensive in breadth and detailed in depth.

What changes have you seen as a result of taking Systematic Success?

What I had not realized when I signed up for Systematic Success was the extent of Natasha’s commitment to helping each of us personally. She has been an amazing partner not just in helping me operationalize the systems she has designed and teaches but also in personal, hands-on tailoring of those systems to my needs. She has gone out of her way to put herself in the mindset of a “creative” (aka not born organized), quick start (aka not very detail and plan-ahead oriented) person and help me figure out how to use these systems without resistance to “too much order.”

What is the biggest accomplishment you have taken from Systematic Success?

I can honestly say that my business would not be where it is without Systematic Success!  Now I have good systems in place in every category. I am functioning well in terms of client care and outreach. My business is now ina position to grow in the upcoming year. This is one of the very best investments I made in making my creativity actually work well in the real world. Natasha’s system has made it possible for me to bring my programs to many more people. I recommend this program very, very highly for everyone–and particularly for creative people who need a good structure.

Think creative types don’t need structure in their businesses? Think again! Systematize & thrive! Tweet That.