I bet you’ve experienced this maddening and very time-consuming sequence of e-mails … Prospect Client: I’d love to learn more about your services, can we chat? Service Provider: Absolutely! Would love to! Are you available next week? Prospect Client: ...
*I Have a System* I bet you’ve heard from someone you admire that their secret to achieving something exciting is in the system they’ve created. If they’ve shared the system with you, you probably noticed that it didn’t necessarily involve technology...
Building your empire on Twitter in just 10 minutes a day by Alicia Cowan Would you believe me if I told you it only takes 10 minutes of daily Twitter action to get awesome results for your business? It’s true. That’s all it takes. It’s a practice I’ve followed for...
By Joyce M. Washington Systems. They’re not limited to project management or team management. If you want to manage any aspect of your business, you need a system. So your finances are not exempt. Ask yourself, how are you managing the finances of your budding...
Referral systems are wonderful ways to grow your business.But you still need to find more clients to be able to build your referral machine? Have no fear! Here are 3 simple steps for bringing in lots more clients, especially if you use them on a regular basis. YOUR...
Earlier in this series, I mentioned that we are all in the business of building trust—trust in our competencies, trust that we can deliver the results we promise and trust that the money our clients invest in our services is worth it. Normally, for someone who just...
A client intake process can help small business owners set the right expectations and boundaries and make working together a pleasure. Read on to find out why you need a client intake system and how to set one up. Have you ever had bad experiences with customers or...
Generic advice is dangerous and it’s everywhere. Take this scenario, for instance. You’re chatting with another business owner about how you wish you could get more clients. Her eyes light up, and she says, “Are you on...
One of the biggest mistakes entrepreneurs make is assuming they can have a thriving business, simply because they are good at something. That’s a huge misconception. To have a sustainable business, it’s not enough to be great at, let’s say, photography, web design or...
As an entrepreneur you probably spend your workday pulled in 10 different directions: Should you work on your client report? Answer the 50 emails you received in the past hour? Try to cajole your webmaster into action? And there’s always social media updates. . . Then...